If you are between 21 and 32 years old, have completed higher technical education, have a military ID, know English and this is confirmed by an IELTS certificate with a result of at least 6.0, and you are in excellent health, then this section exists especially for you.
Becoming a pilot is very difficult, training takes a significant amount of time, and mastering knowledge and skills continues almost throughout life.
However, those who dream of the sky
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Is there an age limit for candidates to apply for the course?
Yes, there is. The candidate must be at least 18 and no older than 32 years old.
Is there a restriction on female admission to the courses?
There are no restrictions. However, at the moment, admission of females to training is not planned, due to the lack of appropriate infrastructure for the simultaneous presence of women and men in the process of flight training. In the future, the necessary conditions will be created and women will be considered as candidates for training.
What language will be used in the learning process?
All issues of the functioning of global civil aviation are regulated by the international organization ICAO, of which the Republic of Uzbekistan is a member. The official languages of ICAO are:
Russian, English, French, Spanish. Arabic and Chinese are considered the working languages of ICAO. They are used to a limited extent in the work of the ICAO Council and its permanent bodies, at Assembly sessions and major specialized conferences and meetings. ICAO unites more than 180 states.
The initial pilot training courses will use textbooks and computer training programs in English. Consultations with teachers will be available in Russian and English.
Is it possible to enroll in courses after graduating from a foreign university with full-time or part-time education?
Graduates of any higher education institution (bachelors and masters) with a technical profile may be candidates for initial training as a pilot, provided that the diploma of completion has passed the recognition and nostrification procedures established in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Is it possible to enroll in courses with a diploma of higher education from a foreign university with subsequent nostrification in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan?
No. The candidate’s documents will be accepted only if they have a diploma that has undergone the established recognition and nostrification procedures.
Is it possible to complete the initial pilot training courses in parallel with studying at another university?
No. The training requires full-time employment and cannot be combined with studies or work in other organizations. In addition, the candidate must have completed higher education in a technical field.
Is it possible to have unacceptable diseases at the beginning of the studies that will be treated during the course of the studies?
No. The pilot’s profession requires impeccable health and no deviations from the established health requirements are allowed.
Can persons who do not have citizenship of the Republic of Uzbekistan study on the courses?
No. This option is not available at the moment.
Can a man who does not have a military ID issued by the relevant structures of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan enroll in the courses?
No. Having a military ID is a mandatory condition for accepting documents from a candidate.
There was information that the selection and training of pilots will be carried out only from among aviation personnel. Is this true?
Yes, indeed, according to the requirements of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 19, 2017 No. 524, training courses for civil aviation pilots from among aviation personnel with higher technical education must be organized on the basis of the Educational and Training Center LLC. However, each candidate who successfully passes the selection will be a student of the courses to subsequently receive the “Certificate of a Civil Aviation Pilot of the Republic of Uzbekistan”. According to another Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated September 4, 2002 No. 313, “candidates for obtaining flight specialty certificates” are classified as aviation personnel of civil and experimental aviation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Therefore, successful completion of all stages of selection for initial training as a pilot will mean the candidate’s enrollment in courses at the Educational and Training Center and temporary, until receiving a pilot’s certificate, inclusion in the aviation personnel.
What examination tests will candidates take?
The candidate will be required to present a certificate confirming the level of English IELTS with a result of not less than 6.0. There will also be written exams in physics, mathematics and Russian.
Is employment guaranteed for a course graduate at Uzbekistan Airways JSC?
If the candidate successfully completes the full course of study and meets the medical requirements, he/she will be employed by the airline. In the event of unsatisfactory grades in any exams or if the candidate’s health deteriorates, the candidate will be expelled from the course and the amount spent on training will be recovered from him/her in court.
How much will it cost a candidate to take the courses?
Students who successfully complete the courses and are employed by the airline will not pay for their training. In the event of dismissal from the airline before the established term (5 years) is completed, the candidate will pay the full cost of training.
Is it possible to take courses at your own expense, so as not to have financial or other obligations to JSC Uzbekistan Airways?
The option of contract-based training is still being worked out, as the courses are being created to meet the airline’s own needs for flight personnel.
Will the course completion certificate be recognized by foreign airlines?
In Civil Aviation all over the world, a Pilot’s Certificate or License is required to work for an airline. The Aviation Administrations of the states are engaged in issuing such documents. Regardless of which flight training institution you graduated from, the Aviation Administration will require you to prove that your diploma of completion of flight training was issued legally. After accepting such evidence, you will need to pass state exams and confirm your medical certificate according to the rules of the state where you are going to work. Only if you have a Pilot’s Certificate issued on behalf of the state in which the airline you are interested in is registered, you can be a candidate for employment in it. However, even with a Pilot’s Certificate, reputable Airlines, as a rule, arrange separate theoretical and practical exams for applicants.
Will out-of-town students be able to take the courses?
There are no restrictions on the region of residence in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Will hostel accommodation be provided to non-residents?
There are no plans to provide housing to students.
How long does the course last?
The training course is divided into three modules:
Module 1: theoretical training – duration 1 year;
Module 2: theoretical, simulator and flight training on the initial training aircraft An-2 – 3.5 months;
Module 3: theoretical, simulator and flight training on the graduation aircraft Il-114 or Airbus 320 – 4 months;
Final exams – 1 month.
Total: 20-22 months (the course may be extended due to bad weather).
Will the students be provided with a uniform?
Uniforms will be provided to course graduates after they are employed by the airline.
Will students be paid a stipend?
Will out-of-town course participants be provided with a free air ticket? How often will they be able to get a ticket?
Air tickets will be provided to the students at full cost. The right to a free air ticket will be granted to course graduates after receiving the required length of service in the airline.
Can a student be expelled for not being able to fly?
Unfortunately, in the history of flight training there are cases when a person, due to his natural characteristics, is not given the opportunity to learn how to fly an airplane. This happens when the student has problems with the vestibular apparatus or hidden deficiencies in vision, hearing, etc.
NAME OF DISEASES AND PHYSICAL DISABILITIES | Candidates for pilot training |
1. Schizophrenia, affective psychoses, paranoia | Unfit |
2. Infectious, intoxication, reactive psychoses; reactive states (hypochondriacal, depressive, etc.); neuroses (neurasthenia, hysteria, etc.): | |
2.1. In the presence of mental disorders, persistent residual phenomena or asthenic syndrome after treatment | Unfit |
2.2. With complete restoration of neuropsychic activity and mild vascular-vegetative disorders. | Unfit |
3. Alcoholism, drug addiction, drug addiction. | Unfit |
4. Personality disorders: | |
4.1. Psychopathy of all forms and other personality disorders of a non-psychiatric nature. | Unfit |
4.2. Mental infantilism, personality accentuation. | Unfit |
5. Epilepsy. | Unfit |
6. Vascular lesions of the brain and spinal cord. | |
6.1. Acute cerebrovascular accidents and their consequences. Chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency. | Unfit |
6.2. Initial lesions of the vessels of the brain and spinal cord. | Unfit |
7. Organic diseases of the central nervous system of various etiologies. | |
7.1. Progressive in nature or with functional impairment. | Unfit |
7.2. Residual effects, consequences of a past illness with sufficient compensation of neuropsychic functions. | Unfit |
8. Consequences of traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury. | |
8.1 In the presence of severe disorders of neuropsychic functions, convulsive syndrome. | Unfit |
8.2. In the presence of minor clinical manifestations. | Unfit |
9. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system. | |
9.1. Paroxysmal manifestations or crisis course of diseases of the autonomic nervous system, leading to a threat or loss of working capacity and deviations in the performance of professional functions. | Unfit |
9.2. For mild and moderate emotional-vegetative disorders. | Individual assessment |
10. Diseases and injuries of the peripheral nervous system: | |
10.1. Chronic with frequent exacerbations, in the presence of movement disorders, sensitivity, trophism and persistent pain syndrome. | Unfit |
10.2. Хронические с редкими обострениями или остаточные явления с незначительными нарушениями функций, не препятствующими выполнению профессиональных обязанностей. | Unfit |
11. Синкопальные состояния (обмороки) не установленной этиологии. | Unfit |
12. Chronic infectious and parasitic diseases: | |
12.1. Accompanied by dysfunction of organs, general asthenia. | Unfit |
12.2. With minor impairment of organ function, asymptomatic course and carriage. | Unfit |
13. Diseases of the blood system: | |
13.1. Progressive course. | Unfit |
13.2. Benign course. | Unfit |
14. Allergic conditions of various etiologies: | Unfit |
14.1. Frequently recurring. | Unfit |
14.2. Not prone to relapse | Unfit |
15. Obesity: | |
15.1. II degree of obesity | Unfit |
15.2. I degree of obesity | Unfit |
15.3. Overweight | Good enough |
16. Diseases of the endocrine system: | |
16.1. Expressed forms. | Unfit |
16.2. Mild forms. | Unfit |
17. Tuberculosis of the respiratory organs: | |
17.1 Active or with pronounced residual changes | Unfit |
17.2. Recovered with moderate or minor respiratory impairment. | Unfit |
18. Diseases of the respiratory system: | |
18.1. Prone to exacerbation or with severe impairment of respiratory function. | Unfit |
18.2. With moderate and minor impairment of respiratory function without a tendency to exacerbation. | Unfit |
19. Neurocirculatory dystonia of the cardiac type: | |
19.1. In the presence of pain or asthenic syndrome, severe rhythm and conduction disturbances. | Unfit |
19.2. Compensated forms. | Unfit |
20. Arterial hypertension: | |
20.1. Persistent increase in blood pressure. | Unfit |
20.2. Controlled increase in blood pressure. | Unfit |
20.3. Transient increase in blood pressure. | Unfit |
21. Diseases of the blood vessels and heart muscle of atherosclerotic nature: | |
21.1. Ischemic heart disease. | Unfit |
21.2. Without disturbance of coronary or general circulation and without significant rhythm and conduction disturbances. | Unfit |
22. Heart diseases of non-atherosclerotic origin: | |
22.1. With signs of process activity, with an increase in the size of the heart, pronounced rhythm and conduction disturbances, a decrease in functional capacity, in the presence of pain syndrome. | Unfit |
22.2. Inactive compensated forms. | Unfit |
23. Diseases of the stomach and intestines: | |
23.1. With frequent exacerbations, moderate or severe impairment of digestive function. | Unfit |
23.2. Without exacerbations and with minor disruption of digestive function. | Unfit |
24. Diseases of the liver, gallbladder and pancreas: | |
24.1. With frequent exacerbations, with moderate and severe digestive dysfunction, with pain syndrome, the presence of a stone. | Unfit |
24.2. Without exacerbation and with sufficiently preserved digestive function. | Unfit |
25. Kidney diseases: | |
25.1. Acute and chronic diseases with dysfunction and hypertensive syndrome. | Unfit |
25.2. Persistent remission or residual changes after exacerbation without impairment of function. | Unfit |
26. Joint diseases and systemic diseases of connective tissue: | |
26.1. In acute and subacute cases, signs of involvement of internal organs in the process, pain or asthenic syndromes, the need for systematic drug therapy. | Unfit |
26.2. In stable remission, without significant organ dysfunction. | Unfit |
27. Disproportionate development of the body, discrepancy between physical development and age. | Unfit |
28. Tuberculosis and fungal infections (actinomycosis, etc.) of peripheral lymph nodes. | Unfit |
29. Developmental defects, chronic diseases of bones, joints, cartilage, muscles and tendons, consequences of injuries and operations, scars after burns and frostbite: | |
29.1. Frequently aggravated, accompanied by significant functional impairment, pain syndrome, cosmetic defect, tendency to ulceration, interfering with wearing clothes and shoes. | Unfit |
29.2. Non-progressive, with minor impairment of function, without pain syndrome, not interfering with wearing clothes and shoes. | Unfit |
30. Malignant tumors: | |
30.1. When a tumor is detected. | Unfit |
30.2. After treatment, if there is a history of a tumor. | Unfit |
31. Benign tumors: | |
31.1. Impairing organ function, making movement, wearing clothes and shoes difficult, but not subject to surgical treatment. | Unfit |
31.2. Not interfering with organ function, without pain syndrome, not interfering with movement, wearing clothes, shoes. | Individual assessment |
32. Developmental defects, diseases of the chest and diaphragm, consequences of injuries and operations: | |
32.1. Deforming the chest, disrupting the function of its organs. | Unfit |
32.2. Not deforming the chest, not disrupting the functions of its organs. | Unfit |
33. Developmental defects, diseases of the esophagus: | |
33.1. Impairing function and subject to surgical treatment. | Unfit |
33.2. Not impairing function, not progressing, not requiring treatment. | Unfit |
34. Developmental defects, consequences of damage to the abdominal wall and abdominal organs, as well as operations on them: | |
34.1. Scars that impair organ function, tend to ulcerate, and make wearing clothing difficult. | Unfit |
34.2. Not impairing organ functions. | Unfit |
35. Diseases of the rectum and pararectal tissue: | |
35.1. Frequently aggravated, accompanied by narrowing of the anus with a violation of the act of defecation, insufficiency of the anal sphincter, recurring after surgical treatment. | Unfit |
35.2. With rare exacerbations, not progressive, without functional disorders. | Unfit |
36. Developmental defects, diseases, consequences of diseases and damage to blood vessels, as well as operations on them: | |
36.1. Accompanied by impaired blood circulation, lymph circulation, trophic disorders, pain syndrome. | Unfit |
36.2. With compensation of blood and lymph circulation, without pain syndrome. | Unfit |
37. Developmental defects, consequences of damage to the genitourinary organs and operations on them. Prolapse of the kidneys. Hydrocele and spermatic cord. Dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord: | |
37.1. Accompanied by dysfunction, with pain syndrome. | Unfit |
37.2. Without impairment of function and without pain syndrome. | Unfit |
38. Chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs of specific and non-specific etiology: | |
38.1. Phase of active inflammation. | Unfit |
38.2. Cured tuberculosis of the genitourinary organs, phase of stable remission of non-specific inflammation in the absence of functional impairment. | Unfit |
39. Urolithiasis: | |
39.1. With the presence of stones, with repeated stone formation, repeated attacks of renal colic in the absence of stones. | Unfit |
39.2. After a single passage of a stone or a single renal colic without passage of stones in the absence of functional impairment. | Unfit |
40. Leprosy, pemphigus, skin lymphoma. | Unfit |
41. Psoriasis, psoriasis-like conditions, ichthyosis, lichen planus, neurodermatoses (neurodermatitis, pruritus, urticaria, etc.), eczema (various forms), skin vasculitis, collagenoses (scleroderma, etc.): | |
41.1. Clinically expressed, widespread forms. | Unfit |
42. Venereal diseases and AIDS: | |
42.1. AIDS. | Unfit |
42.2. Syphilis, chronic gonorrhea and other venereal diseases. | Unfit |
43. Developmental defects, chronic diseases of the female reproductive system, endometriosis, consequences of childbirth and surgical interventions: | |
43.1. With pronounced anatomical defects, frequent exacerbations that impair function. | Unfit |
43.2. Not impairing function, without pain syndrome. | Unfit |
44. Disorders of the ovarian-menstrual cycle. | Unfit |
45. Pregnancy and postpartum period. | Unfit |
46. Diseases of the eyelids and conjunctivitis: | |
46.1. Chronic, with frequent exacerbations. | Unfit |
46.2. Mildly expressed, with rare exacerbations. | Unfit |
47. Diseases of the lacrimal organs and lacrimal drainage systems: | |
47.1. With impaired lacrimation. | Unfit |
47.2. Without disruption of lacrimal drainage. | Unfit |
48. Diseases of the eyeball: inflammatory, vascular, degenerative, post-surgical, trauma, neoplasms: | |
48.1. With impairment of functions | Unfit |
48.2. With sufficient preservation of the function of the organ of vision. | Unfit |
49. Glaucoma: | |
49.1. В стадии 1В, II, III, IV. | Unfit |
49.2. In stage 1A it is open-angled. | Unfit |
50. Color vision deficiency: dichromacy, anomalous trichromacy: | |
50.1. Type “A” | Unfit |
50.2. Type “B” | Unfit |
50.3.Type “C” | Unfit |
51. Disorder of the eye motor apparatus: | |
51.1. Paralysis of the eyelid muscles, paralytic concomitant strabismus. | Unfit |
51.2. Heterophoria with reduced fusion reserves. | Unfit |
52. Visual acuity. | Good for 1.0 on each eye without correction |
53. Refraction. | Suitable for farsightedness no higher than 1.0 D, myopia 0.5 D, astigmatism 0.5 D, anisometropia no higher than 1.0 D. |
54. Violation of accommodation presbyopia in Art. 3.5D. | Unfit |
55. Chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses: | |
55.1. Purulent sinusitis with polyposis or dystrophy of the mucous membrane. | Unfit |
55.2. Purulent sinusitis not accompanied by the specified complications. | Unfit |
55.3. Non-purulent sinusitis (catarrhal, serous, vasomotor, allergic, maxillary sinus cysts). | Unfit |
56. Persistent changes in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea or ear after injuries, diseases and surgeries: | |
56.1. Impairing the function of ENT organs and making it difficult to use special equipment. | Unfit |
56.2. Minorly disrupting the function of ENT organs and not hindering the use of special equipment. | Unfit |
57. Chronic tonsillitis: | |
57.1. Decompensated form. | Unfit |
57.2. Compensated form. | Unfit |
58. Lupus, tuberculosis, malignant tumors of ENT organs at any stage of development. | Unfit |
59. Speech defects: | |
59.1. Severe stuttering, tongue-tiedness, making speech difficult to understand. | Unfit |
59.2. Mildly expressed, not affecting speech intelligibility. | Unfit |
60. Chronic diseases of the middle ear: | |
60.1. Chronic purulent epitympanitis, chronic purulent bilateral mesotympanitis, unilateral, often aggravated or accompanied by polyps, granulations, caries of the walls of the tympanic cavity or pronounced signs of dystrophy of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. | Unfit |
60.2. Chronic purulent unilateral mesotympanitis, not accompanied by complications. | Unfit |
60.3. Persistent residual effects of previous inflammation of the middle ear (dry perforation of the eardrum), as well as chronic non-purulent inflammation of the middle ear. | Unfit |
61. Impaired barofunction of at least one ear or paranasal sinuses; increased sensitivity to changes in atmospheric pressure: | |
61.1. Persistent and sharply expressed. | Unfit |
61.2. Not clearly expressed. | Unfit |
62. Increased sensitivity to statokinetic stimuli. | Unfit |
63. Decreased hearing acuity: | |
63.1. Persistent complete deafness in one ear, decreased hearing in both ears with an increase in hearing thresholds in the area of speech frequency perception (500, 1000, 2000 Hz) from 20 to 30 dB, at a frequency of 4000 Hz up to 65 dB and in the perception of whispered speech at a distance of up to 2 meters. | Unfit |
63.2. Persistent hearing loss in both ears with an increase in hearing thresholds in the area of speech frequency perception (500, 1000, 2000 Hz) from 10 to 20 dB, at a frequency of 4000 Hz up to 60 dB and the perception of whispered speech at a distance of up to 3 meters and above. | Unfit |
63.3. Persistent hearing loss in one ear, with an increase in hearing thresholds in the range of speech frequency perception (500, 1000, 2000 Hz) from 20 to 30 dB, at a frequency of 4000 Hz up to 65 dB and when perceiving whispered speech at a distance of up to 2 m, with an increase in hearing thresholds in the range of speech frequencies (500, 1000, 2000 Hz) up to 10 dB, at a frequency of 4000 Hz up to 50 dB and when perceiving whispered speech at a distance of up to 5 meters in the other ear. | Unfit |
№ | List of disciplines | |
1. | Air legislation:
ICAO standards; Air code of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Aviation rules of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Organization of air carrier activities, internal requirements and procedures. Aeronautical information. |
2. | Aircraft design:
Aircraft; Systems; Engines. |
3. | Aircraft design:
Instrumentation. |
4. | Centering and loading of aircraft. | |
5. | Flight characteristics of aircraft. | |
6. | Flight planning, operational flight management. | |
7. | Human factor. | |
8. | Meteorology. | |
9. | Air Navigation – Basic Concepts. | |
10. | Air navigation – Radio navigation. | |
11. | Operating procedures. | |
12. | Aerodynamics and flight dynamics. | |
13. | Visual and instrument flight rules, Air traffic services. | |
14. | Aviation English and radio phraseology. |